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[Guide]GVG(guild vs guild) Icon_minitimeTue Mar 06, 2012 12:35 am by taloloy23

» How much longer admins?
[Guide]GVG(guild vs guild) Icon_minitimeWed Nov 16, 2011 4:53 pm by [GA]Reosin

» Ga aplication
[Guide]GVG(guild vs guild) Icon_minitimeThu Nov 10, 2011 2:51 pm by omuletze

» V2.7 update ! read it
[Guide]GVG(guild vs guild) Icon_minitimeWed Nov 09, 2011 6:36 pm by [GA]Reosin

» Server down?
[Guide]GVG(guild vs guild) Icon_minitimeMon Nov 07, 2011 7:05 pm by [GA]Reosin

» GA ApPlIcATiOn
[Guide]GVG(guild vs guild) Icon_minitimeWed Nov 02, 2011 3:50 am by [Admin]Blackrider

» i miss you guys
[Guide]GVG(guild vs guild) Icon_minitimeMon Oct 31, 2011 11:36 am by thisisme14

» UnsToppable GA Aplication
[Guide]GVG(guild vs guild) Icon_minitimeMon Oct 31, 2011 12:55 am by [Admin]Blackrider

» Cirkuit Cabal
[Guide]GVG(guild vs guild) Icon_minitimeSun Oct 30, 2011 12:49 pm by [Admin]SamyMik


 [Guide]GVG(guild vs guild)

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Posts : 22
Join date : 2011-10-22
Age : 28
Location : Fagaras

[Guide]GVG(guild vs guild) Empty
PostSubject: [Guide]GVG(guild vs guild)   [Guide]GVG(guild vs guild) Icon_minitimeTue Oct 25, 2011 2:52 pm

Starting Guild Battles

1. Authorized guilds men can request another guild for a battle.

How to Request a Guild Battle: Type the following command in the chat window.
/gvg "the other guild's guildsman name" "number of deaths for a win "

[Tip] To start a guild battle, type the guild man's name you wish to fight then specify the number of deaths needed to win the battle.

or type "/war" and number of the members you want to defeat"
2. The other guild master will then receive the invitation for battle.

This informs him of the name of the challenging guild and also the number of deaths need to win the battle. During this time, you will a receive a message asking you to wait patiently for a response.

[Tip] Only the guild master can accept the guild battle request. Thus, if the guild master is away, the battle will be automatically canceled.

3. When the guild war starts, a time limit and a death gauge bar will be displayed.

Also, the names of your opposing guilds men will be shown in red which means that they are hostile to you.

[Tip]''Every time your guilds men successfully defeat the other guildsmen, the death gauge bar will gradually be filled. If your guilds men complete the required number of deaths to win the battle, the gauge bar will become full.

4. If you are defeated, you will receive the same message as if you are defeated by a monster.

You will be revived at the nearest spawn point. Guild Battle does not have the death penalty.

5. When you defeat the other guilds man, you will receive a Player Kill message.

The winning guild will be rewarded with Honor Points and the amount of Honor Points is affected by the number of participated members.

[Tip]The Guild Battle's Honor Points calculation formula:
(Winning number of death x 50) รท the numbers of participated guilds men.[/center]

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